Monday, 5 June 2017

Day 134: Vicky and David's pink crystal vines

These are my last pair of pink crystals - I had no idea I had collected so many! Like many other pairs in my collection, these were a lovely birthday gift from Vicky and David but my memory is a bit hazy about how long ago they gave them to me. They are long and twinkly and, like the other more recent pairs I've been wearing, are probably more suitable to night than day (though I might be making up earring rules that don't or shouldn't actually exist!).

Last night when searching for Leichhardt photos I came across these shots that bring back precious memories. I mentioned earlier that Vicky's Dad, Tommy Tycho was a famous Australian musician. He could play and orchestrate any style of music, and composed his own incredible concertos. On this day he and Vicky's Mum Eve came across to Leichhardt for afternoon tea. Tommy played Gershwin on Virginia's piano for an adoring crowd of my parents, and Betty and her husband John; John was almost overwhelmed with the excitement at the prospect of meeting Tommy, who he'd admired for many years.

And I found a gorgeous photo of Miss V cuddling 3 year old James from that afternoon.

On Day 134 I woke feeling swollen and bloated. However, the walk around the park was a little easier and I've been less uncomfortable today.  I made good progress on some other overdue work and my eyes seem to be improving, which makes reading the computer screen easier. I really hope I'm turning the corner.

Congrats to my great colleague Laura Shepherd on her 4 year Aust. Research Council fellowship - it's so well deserved!

1 comment:

  1. Hello from (briefly) Singapore. Earring rules don't exist and sparkles are for anytime


Day 217: 25/25 Radiocity with Mum's pearl necklace

Finally, after two rounds of surgery, 6 chemo infusions and 25 radiotherapy sessions the treatment schedule is D O N E!  ...(aside, that is,...