Thursday, 2 March 2017

Day 38: (Very special) Onyx 3

I have some very special pairs of earrings, but as should be clear by now, I don't always consider them so because they are they are made of precious materials. However, some combine both specialness and preciousness. These divine drops were a gift for my 40th birthday from a group of special friends - the Nosh gang and Linz and Chris - and are made of precious materials, onyx and diamonds. My oldest friend Maddie sought them out and everyone contributed knowing that for my birthday Rob bought me a stunning onyx and diamond ring. They match beautifully. I adore them, but usually save them up for special occasions.

My frustration today is for the life of my I can't find the photos of Maddie actually presenting these to me at my 40th party. It was a great night, held in the back garden of the house we were renting in Leichhardt. Rob had a birthday cake made for me which the colour and shape of a Tiffany's box! I've know come across those photos in recent weeks while trawling through my images, but they seem to have evaporated - damn you iphoto! I was also disappointed that the reason for me wearing them - plans to catch up with Maddie and Linz this evening - had to be postponed, in part because of a major assignment and computer malfunction at Maddie's end, and tiredness at mine. But I did have the joy of wearing them outside of a special occasion, and I've decided I must do it more often.

The earring brigade Jan, 2007
Linz the beautiful bride et moi!
The earrings had their first outing at Linz and Chris wedding, which took place about a month after my 40th birthday. I do have photos from that day, including me with the blushing bride, and with Cazy and Maddie - all three were wearing some pretty gorgeous earrings themselves that day!

Day 38 was full of appointments, including medicos and our accountant. A bit late, but the tax is now in for the last financial year - phew! I'm finding I get a bit manic in the third week of the cycle, trying to complete as much as I can while I feel good, knowing I'm going to be largely out of action next week. It's a big weekend coming up with James-mas now in full swing!

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